Our Story
Serious about self-discovery and growth? The Rythmia Way Program is for you. Time-tested, Rythmia is the #1 customer-rated healing center in the world.
Who we are
From the moment you set foot on the resort property, you’ll feel at home, nourished, and cared for. Rythmia is an all-inclusive, luxury medically-licensed plant medicine center in Guanacaste, Costa Rica.
How I made $91 million and lost my soul then spent a few thousand dollars to get it back.
Our Spiritual Partners
We've carefully selected a handful of Spiritual Partners who are like-minded and share our vision of serving others so they can live their healthiest, best lives.
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Transform Depression with Ayahuasca
Watch this educational webinar to explore the therapeutic potential of Ayahuasca in treating depression with Dr. Jeff McNairy and Dr. Mariana Rojas.
Here's what you'll learn in this discussion:
- How people and their brains get stuck in depression
- How Ayahuasca resets the brain of people dealing with depression
- How the Rythmia Way Program helps people reset their lives