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A Personal Note from Meg, Roots Nutritarian

I simply wish for everyone in the whole wide world to eat more fruits and veggies, and integrate mealtime as a ritual, like yoga.

Yoga has transformed the way I look at life, my body, my "self," my food. An integral part in my healing from my eating disorder, daily practice of asana (postures) has helped me to redevelop a connection with my temple, and learn to love my radiant self, as I a m. The thrice daily practice of eating has too become a lesson in loving kindness. The entire process of buying, preparing, plating and consuming, are all part of a greater art; the art of gratefulness.

yo-ga [yoh-hug]

Sanskit: a yoking, union. Hindu system of philosophy aiming at the mystical union of the self with the Supreme Being in a state of complete awareness and tranquility through certain physical and mental exercises.

To me, one of the easiest ways to guarantee more fresh produce in the daily diet is by simply incorporating some "raw" into your life! It is easy as going un-cooked for one or two meals per day. Or just replacing one cooked recipe with a raw one. Or choosing only to snack on raw food treats (like a ripe avocado, a bowl of berries, Raw 'Nanner Creme Pie, or a Hemp Heart Snack Ball) rather than packaged or processed snack food items. Get it? When you add in even just one living food dish a day, you can't help but better your health!

Organic, farm-to-table whole food is the most nutritious and safest food yo could possibly consume. This is food your body recognizes as food and can easily digest without expending an excessive amount of energy to do so. This is food in its natural state. This is healing food. This is wonder food.

This recipe planner has been curated especially for our guests to ensure healthy food experiences continue long after their visit to Rythmia and or restaurant, Roots.

Be Well,

Meg | Roots Nutritarian

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